Sunday, August 26, 2007

~what i should do next?~

yday, it's a bad day, really bad day for me~

i cried for whole morning n afternoon, i slept in evening, n woke up with tireness~

never know tat crying can cause me exhausted~

when i woke up, it's a miscal from my house, i wonder who was calling me~

is he wan to say sorry? or is she wan to make sure tat im ok?

anyone, i dun care~ n so until now, my phone remain silence without any call in.....

it's my problem? i's my fault?

should i juz remain silence as well? or should i call them up n apologize? but wat do i did n so need i to say sorry or take the initiative?

well, since when i need to consider all these? i hate these feelings~ it's too complicated......

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