Monday, August 27, 2007

~am i different?~

2day, seemed more bad days....plz.....

few days ago, really my nightmares....everyone think tat i wil go n kill myself, but well, i wont, i still strong instead.....thx all the messages i received from my worries, i'll b okay~

2day, is the day my school reopen officially, but wat a good nite yday til i forgot to set my alarm....i suppose to leave the house at 9am, but when i jumped down from the bed, the clock was pointing at 9am!!!! gosh, i gonna b late~

but the whole world is lik helping me...haha...everything went so the lrt without waiting for so long, got the bus with juz few minutes.........fortunately, when i went down from the bus, i looked at my watch again, it's 10am....which my class wil start the next second, but at least, i was in the campus ady.....

2day, when i was having my lunch with my frenz, i met my fren, but i was so shocked when i looking the gal in front of totally a different ppl but stil looking pretty~ ^^

yeah, she reminded me tat even world is changing, y dun human change? i should hav some changes mayb, but i do feel alright with me.....but frenz said i look different.....did i? i dun even realized think juz bcoz of the setting of the class? the light effect? or.....they having a very good mood? anything....juz anything.....

2day, i discovered i met a guy for almost many times at the same day.....

2day....everything seems okay for me.....

plz, plz....remember to set alarm 2nite....

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