Tuesday, August 14, 2007

~i hate it~

yeah...tat's all i can say~ i really pissed off the minute i read the email~

informing me tat next week going to start the class n i have to go bac to col tis fri to register as it is firch come first serve....wat the heck is this all about? my holiday will only end bout one more week later, almost 2 weeks tat i can say~ bcoz of tis mail, my plans all spoiled~ completely~

disappointment filled in this house~ me, my sis, n my parents~ they never say it but i know they feel it~ bcoz of disappointed them, i really so upset~

i hate it~ really hate it~ i hate all these unsure things~ which spoiled my holiday~ i stil have a lotz of things havent do, i stil have many frenz havent meet up, there r new recipes i wan to try it out in the kitchen~ a lotz~ really....there are many places tat i stil wan to go~

now only i realized i never spent my holiday to the fullest n meaningful, instead i was wasting my holidays~

there is a lesson for me may b~

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