Monday, August 20, 2007

~Easy but yet it's tough~

are human losing their sense of talking face to face?

tat's the question in my best buddy's msn personal message...

dunno y,i keep thinking bout it for a long time...i think i wil bring tis question to the bed tonite...i wan to find an answer...

yeah,really,all of us can talk easily, saying a lotz of useless nonsense, crap for one whole thick book, but y is tat so hard for ppl talking face to face sometimes in some particular situation? i think all of us know wat's the most sensitive topic to talk face to's all about gals n boys,or even parents n their children...

mayb i would say silence is sometimes the best answer,but well,we need to tel from our heart...heart,has the right to voice plz dun ignore it~ listen to wat our heart wan to say. if ur mind keep thinking bout something which holding u back, the hesitation wil only make u lost the golden chance~ dun care bout wat other think bout u, dun care bout wat the answer wil be,dun care bout the face problem...nothing is more important than u missed a right person in ur life~

say is easy, i know, but mayb juz try...better than do nothing for it without a little effort~

tat's ur future..

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