Monday, August 13, 2007


when i juz connected a chat box pop up, there was a youtube website which sent by my fren~

after few minutes, i was really shocked y my secondary school became lik tis? wat's wrong with the new principle? wat's wrong with the students there nowadays?

there was a clip, captured at my school compound, the environment looked good at the first glance, coz every buildings there were repainted~ but juz after few seconds, there was a view with all the bad words conteng on the walls~ such as, Pengetua babi....n lotz~

i dunno wat had happened~ but as a former student, studied there for 5 years long n thing like tis never happen b4~ since the ex-principle retired, so this current principle replaced, juz 3 months n all these bad things happened~ many quetions in my mind, i juz dun understand~ is tat really principle's faults? or wat?

there is a place where have lotz of my good memories~ frenz, teachers, n many~ but now, everything seems back to previous generation~ can i know, wat's wrong?

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