Monday, July 2, 2007


Yeah…I wan to stop~ stop everything~

I thought I can handle it, even thought I can control it~

But y I cant? Cant even say no? when did I start so hard to say a word? Wat holding me bac? Wat am I considering so much? Wat? Tel me wat?~ plz~ tel me~

I dun wan changed to be lik tis, I dun wan, but wat im facing now make me change, even the environment around me~ I juz, lost of control~ im not longer myself~ im not~ tat’s wat I hate the most~

I keep telling myself everything going to be okay, everything wil come to an end, but I was like waiting too long, n I, lost my patience, in a sudden~

No one tat I can tell my problem, no one tat I can share wat am I so suffering, I dun wan become so pessimistic, but I juz, cant!!!

Well, I need more time mayb, tat’s the only excuse for myself, to feel better~

Let me go, if can~

Let me be myself, if im allow to~

Let me get bac the thing which I had belonged to~

Peace….juz peace…..

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