Wednesday, July 11, 2007

~Typical Malaysian~

recently, i really get in touched with a lotz of Typical Malaysian, of coz, with dark skin, n with their smelly mouths~

well, wat made me so angry? cannot say tat i was angry, juz dun understand, y such ppl stil can alive in this country???!~ again, they only can survive in this country~

for ur information, i juz bac from Johor, Tangkak last few days. i really enjoyed my trip with my dear frenz... but when last day came, n i was get into the bus come bac KL, i met such a stupid bus driver!!!

he yelled on innocent passenger, he thought everyone in the bus is stupid, he thought he is a MALAY!!! n so wat? means tat u can scold anyone tat u like? plz... use brain~ u juz a driver!!!! we paid for u!!! we r customer!!! my fren's seat was being sit by someone, so my fren asked the driver...know wat tat driver shouted? "saya cakap ada tempat duduk saja la! apa cakap cakap!!!" if im not a gal, if i din think much, i wan to go bac safely, i think i wil juz scold him bac! even slap him if i can!!! wat the attitude? shame on me, shame on Malaysian!

nothing much tat i can say~ he is juz one of them...juz one of THEM!!!

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