Friday, July 20, 2007

~Insomnious night~

1pm...n i....juz dun feel lik wan to sleep at all~

i went to my room n sleep on my bed, tried hard to close my eyes, but my brain stil processing, i know, im stil awake, widely~

i hate this~ well, now regretting to take a short nap tis noon~

so im blogging, about wat im thinkin, since i hav nothing much can do in the late midnite~

i keep tis blog secretly, only for those who read my previous friendster blog. wat my purpose? everyone knows blog is created to let other ppl read, n so y i keep it as private? everyone needs their private space, so do i~ but i dun mind if my frens ter-read this~ it's okay~

im thinking, wat is life? a stupid question, with thousand of different answers~ n now, im living, as a gal, who remain single for 19 years~ yeah, im thinking bout me~ is tat a failure never experience any relationship b4? a kid told me, is a failure, coz he had 3 ex-gf n he is only a 14 year old boy~ aha~ is him who should be labelled abnormal? or im the one who is abnormal? lolz~

honestly, i never take tis seriously, i never mind to remain single~ im a typical sagittarian, i lik freedom n social with ppl~ i never dare to imagine when i was commit in a relationship, am i a good girl friend? haha~ juz now, went to night market with my family~ i met few old frenz, n they were holding hand with their partner~ they seemed can met bf/gf easily, but y is tat so hard for me to meet one? i wonder~ haha~

good guy is not easy to find, juz lik wat i tot my net fren is a nice guy but at last let me know he juz da same with all the bastards~ my frenz, all is good guy tat i can say, but the feel juz not right~

is okay~ i can be independent, is a not a good thing when u bcum too dependable....u lost everything when u lost someone who u always rely on~ tat's wat i think~ but i wil stil feel the love again~ love, cannot rush~ i know, it takes time~

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