Friday, July 6, 2007


yeah, u may say tat nothing different, tat wat i think as well, lik last year 060606, inbox full of forward message, said tat only appear in thousand decade, i stil rmb wat i said tat time, cheh, wat so special woh, next year stil got 070707, then 080808......

but i dunno y, today, i found it different~

i jz feel so special n dunno y~

2day, is my frenz bday, one in ipoh, another one, going to a trip with us later~

n 2day, i juz think of someone tat i never c, juz strongly feel tat wan to wish tat someone~

yday b4 i went to bed, i purposely set 7am 6.50am alarm, n get ready to wish al the people tat i wan to wish~ yeah, n i did~ luckily i din missed this chance~ as we promised b4, i woke up my two buddies who same dorm with me, n we took pic, with half open eyes look~ haha, we look terrible, really terrible, but we all, happy~ tat's wat i want~

sometimes, dun miss the chance to giv us more memories, tat's nothing wrong with tat even u think tat's crazy...i lik it, i really lik it~

going to Muar, Malacca, Tangkak....i wan to enjoy my holiday, to the very fullest....i wan take many pictures, i wan eat many food, i wan say aa thousand jokes, i wan everything tat wil make me, or frenz around me, a very happy moment~

holiday, begin~

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