Monday, May 5, 2008

~Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu~

Turning round and round and round~ There is the corner, I'd found~

I appreciate that, is not too late to realize~

Last weekends, I spent my day in 2 days 1 night camp~ INCOVAR Graduate Camp~ Organized by a team of experience and spiritual guys and gals~

It's been a long time, I guess since I came to this big city, I never join any religious activity other than went for churches few times brought by my frenz~

Finally, I had a chance, took part in a Buddhist camp~

Actually, it was a camp about future career~ I learned a lot more about corporate world out there~ Which is scary and full of realities~

Anyway, I too, learn about Interview Skills, Resume writing, managing career and career goals grooming and etc~ Im a student who juz stepping into Year 2, u think is tat too soon to learn all this? I definitely can say, NO~

This camp, 20++ participants in total~ Most of them are working people, and some of us still studying~ I think Fish & I were the youngest among all of them~ They had most experience speakers, awesome committee team members and also friendly participants who willing to share and care~

Asking me what had I learned, I found there r too much and I cant juz write it down all here~

It was diff from the buddhist activities tat I had been taking part before, maybe it was the first time I involved myself in English version camp~ I din know Buddhism is tat advance already~ They even have Hymns Singing, it sound a bit like those church songs~ but yet, is so nice to hear and sing altogether~

I know more about myself via Harrison Assessment, but it still shocked to know that i have most trait and suitable become a creative writer, poets or lyrists~ haha~

Meditation too, gave me peace and serenity~

Besides, I dun even know tat my email address cause trouble~ Maybe not yet, but soon will be~, means a lot to someone going to hire me in the future~ What impression u hav when u looking at this email? I juz curious...using it for around 10 years time, the first time i realize, while the time i growing up or growing old, nothing is permanent and need to change~

There is the lesson benefit me for my whole life, i believe~ Adapt to change and realize nothing is permanent in this universe~ and finally i found the reason why, Im such a indecisive person~ Becoz, I never learn how to let go~ Letting go, not becoz it sound chic or wat~ It is becoz the limitation a human being having and going through~ Nothing can be perfect and I hardly I can maintain everything good and best~ It juz all bout the matter of, Letting Go~

I do appreciate the new frens i get to know, even though we not really know each other in juz two days time~ Is always good to knw more people coz i always believe everyone of us has a particular and unique story hiding behind~ I love stories~

My heart, had been touched for several times and there r so much lessons I had learnt~

I appreciate everything tat i have~

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