Friday, May 30, 2008

~Move On~

Finally I'd done my assignment and I remember there is one sentence that I was trying hard to use creative way to write it.

"Once you open you eyes in the morning,
Look forward &
Smile away the pain & sorrow of yesterday."
- by OrangeJungle, 2008

Yeah, I used tat to remind me...move on~ move on~

Nothing is tat bad, when I willing to raise my head, and c wat is in front of me.

today, I went to MidValley, to meet up my friends who I know them in foundation.

The purpose of this gathering, is kind of like farewell, for my dearest fren, Hwan Jean~ She is going to australia in this coming July. Day looks wonderful talking with them...of coz, posing in front of the cameras is the funniest thing for today~ hahahaa........

yeah~ The gals, and the only guy for today, Jian. We all have fun, really~

Went to a kinda high-class restaurant with nice food....

everything juz great~

Yea...c, I can still move on, isnt it? Not tat bad...really....


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