Monday, February 18, 2008

~Sorry, means nothing~

Busy Busy BUsy!!!!!!! busy!!!! it might be true, but deep inside my heart telling me, that's juz an excuse!!!

watever~ i dun wanna care tat much~ y must i thinking everything in details? y must i care bout everything? y i put weight on mine shoulder by my hands? y i take everything as my own responsibility?

I feel stupid, i feel cheated!!!!

It juz a small matter until i cant tell, coz u most probably think tat's nothing! juz a small tiny prob! but it meant to me~ really~

I juz wanna b polite, i thought i jz did the right things as a fren, but i think it was too much~

okay, i deserved it~

watever it may be.....for me, for now, sorry, means nothing to me~

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