Friday, June 22, 2007

~Today @ SMK La Salle PJ~

recently, i joining a society, ARCADE~ today, as a volunteer, i was running a program, which we called it School Mobilization to promote the Mentoring Malaysia, so we went to SMK La Salle PJ.

we went there by HELP bus, when we reached there, every students there were looking at us in the strange way. when we went inside the hall, we realized i was going to bath in was a really hot weather!

soon after tat, students came into the hall, seniors told us to talk to them, but i just couldnt say anything but i tried. honestly, i started to feel nervous.

then, it's time to get into the group, every volunteer had to lead 10 or more students. fortunately, it's not that hard to find 10 students for me tat time with tat situation. then soon we start the ice's not easy to remember all their names at the first place, but after playing the Group Juggling, then only i able to remember their names.

to be honest, i was a bit nervous at the beginning, but luckily, i was just so glad to have them. everything gone smooth after that.

for the next activity, which is team building exercise. i almost forgot tat we're not allowed to speak in human language. after few minutes only i remember, so we started communicate in animal sound. my group really did a good job, coz they really tried their best not to speak any human language! even me, oso talked in animal sound, until one of the mentors told me tat i was allowed to speak in human language! haha~ they did not have any good idea to build the tallest building, but they tried. everyone of them, did something. it's glad that everyone was putting their effort and so it shown that they really think bout it. the most important thing which made me feel so touched was, they never give up. anyway, they still couldnt believe that the buiding can score 8.0 marks.

after tat activity, they cleaned the place~ they like to talk, but it seemed that they know the rules as well. then the next activity, The Face of Todays Teens.....

here was the interesting part. they really discuss bout the issue, they made fun, but serious sometimes. everyone of them like to thing that surprised me is, one of them said is really suffering when thinking of someone. haha~ few of them really facing girl friends problem. even they said, "no phone will cry, no girls will die"...made me speechless....haha~ some of them said, their parents not allow them to own a mobile phone.tat's really make them upset. then only they come to studies~ more or less there were the problems they think their facing.

happy moments r always so short. so soon come to the ending. one of them asked me, "will u come here again?", i said, "i hope i will, y?"....they said, "coz i wan to c u again...."
tis really almost make me cry, but i din.really touched....i love them so much ... really glad that met with them. i saw many things from them. this experience not only have fun , but i had learnt many things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hai.. I am syazreen, one of the students in mentoring malaysia in smk la salle pj.. That program was damn fun, But i dont remember you.. Hope we can chat more.. Add me..
bye, good day :D