Thursday, January 31, 2008

~What's wrong...~

oppz...wat's wrong?

there is one movie review waiting for me to complete, besides, there are still a lot of workloads lying on my table~ I know myself well, i do not have much time to complete all these before cny holiday~ But i juz dun feel like wan to do it...dun even wan to touch~

tat's bad...real bad....but it was like, out of my control~

Dunno y, these few nitez, different friendz kept asking me go out yum cha~ continuos for 2 nitez~ I thought, im the only one who hate stay at home all alone...seemed not~

well~ I gotta do stg...i have to, it is a must~

U know, i know~

okay...before i going least do stg? plz...Jungle~

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~This, absolutely...~

Half way reading my history textbook, came here...juz wanna do some fingers exercise~

yeah...history~ Something which full of mysteries~ well, i taking east Asian civilization this semester~ It is interesting, just the stupid thicky textbook which full of small words make me kinda....annoying~ But no regret~ even though so-so result is expected end of this semester~

CNY is coming very soon~ mayb becoz of tat, i feel tat i stil in holiday~

tat's bad, really bad~ i juz keep enjoying my life, which full of stress~ yeah...stressful~ coz while i was enjoying, my mind was thinking what else i havent do but i should do~ not a good feeling at all~ trust me~

well~ well~ well~ at least, my life is not tat sucks~ coz i know, how to make things simply~ but still learning anyway~

today after gym at California Fitness, i walked alone in the mall~ being alone, not really a bad thing for me~ I walked, stopped when saw stg i like, then kept walking~ i was using mine imagination and hoping, could i meet up with 'him'? *smiling*

who knows rite? mayb he was standing behind me in the queue but i din notice~ or mayb he walked by with opposite direction and my eyes was looking another site~ fate, u know~

okokok~ i should stop here~


hungry ady lo~

this blog, absolutely, juz for fun~

Monday, January 14, 2008

~Head or Tail~

Im not going to be pessimistic anymore~ really...

But tat's stg out of my control~ Like u throwing a coin n bet with ur frenz whether it is head or tail~ I always lost when came to this game~ I dunno y, n i juz let it be,knocked under the fate~

Yeah, dun think i always fight back lik i always did~ Im not tat strong anyway~

stg is wrong tat i can feeling right now~ i getting sick...really sick~ not only physically sick, but mentally sick~

no one to speak at this moment, n i feel sick~ no one to take care of me, i feel sick~ no one will be there n say stg comfort me, i feel sick~ i keep drinking lotz of water, coz i feel sick~ i feeling cold and hot remaining on the same seat, i feel sick~ every step will cause me pain, i feeling sick~

c, i really sick~

okay~ i should take it easy~ isnt it?

by the way, last sat n sun, i went to p24 dance marathon n i was a volunteer there as a dancer relations~ yeah, it was an activity which u can juz dance for 24 hours~ sound crazy huh? absolutely~

being a dancer relations was not an easy job at all, i gotta kept motivating the participants to dance, since then, i need to dance first~ arh...

but i was enjoy and had lot of fun~ all the performance was so nice~ One thing tat i can say, UrbanGroove rocks~ all of them can really dance so well~ Fellest (i used to call him salad, sorry~) , Zack, Alex, Jerry...etc.... they r friendly, n we talked for a little while~ Din know Alex same age with me, kinda shocked me~ with this age, he ady can dance tat well, his future, must b so bright~ hopefully, we still can talk another time~ "hopefully" la~ Juz quite a long time din met a person who i tot we were met b4~ nice to meet them~

p24, ended up quite successfully~ when hugging everyone, i felt so touching~ It was like a challenge which is not everyone able to do so~ Im glad, my friends n i did~ we r survivor~ haha~

okay~ i should stop here~

it is time, to plan, my new life~

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

~There was a tear, on my finger~

It was totally a new life, in my history~

But it was not totally strange, it was a bit familiar~ the streets i used to walk on, the roads i used to cross, the building i used to dream to own~ the only difference, is the person, who is typing tis blog~

yeah, i referring myself~ A stupid monkey lost in the jungle~

Im sitting in a totally new place~ going to sleep soon i guess~

my brain, stil thinking other things~

in this 21st century, everyone has a mobile in the pocket~ this is nothing fresh to talk about~ I juz thinking while the phone is ringing n tat is at least one msg going to transfer through one place to the other place, from one person to the other person~... no matter wat kind of messages tat u can think, it most probably repeating in every hour around the world~

via mobile, u can listen the voice u always miss~ n from the voice, i can imagine the person facial expression n his/her emotions~ everyone has the ability to imagine~ me of coz~

today, i had listened a voice, which i love so much~ i can c the tears on her cheek although i cant c her~ i wan to be with her~ desperately~ i hope i can juz fly across cities just to be with her~ but i cant, n so...helpless, miserable~

thx tat im so lucky~ i have friends always around me n be there when i need them~

thx a lot~

i know, tat's life.... since i cant avoid it, so i face it~

if i think i can , i can~