Friday, September 14, 2007

~I need some rest n giv me a silence nite~

these few days, something goes wrong with me~ i feel it, but i cant say it~

i know tat im not the only one, among all of us, who is the one has the problem? or all of us? i wonder...~

it was irritable, when my ears cant bear the noises~ every single word went inside my ears was hurtful~ y i bear it in mind? it's not good for my health n soul...not good,'s not good~

im trying to simplify all complicated stuffs, n remind myself tat's nothing~

i hate the feeling of uncertainty~no matter wat i doing, wat i thinking, the clock still running, the days gone day by day, n i hav no time to complete my works, but the calendar on my desk keep reminding me how many days i left, the feeling is juz lik im waiting for devil to bring me go far far away, there is place, call hell~

can i juz stop it? stop everything....stop the earth turning round n round....~ juz, plz stop~

watever, i gotta rest a while..n refresh my mind~

2ml im going to 30 hour famine, as a group leader, i know tat is a challenge for me~ juz hope everything goes smoothly....everything will b alright~

so plz giv me a silent nite~

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